2021 Calendars
2021 Recycling & Trash Calendars are in the mail! This year’s focus is “Single Stream, keeping it clean.”
This year’s theme for our calendar is “Single Stream keeping it clean.” In 2010 the County switched from dual stream to single stream recycling which meant residents would combine paper, cardboard, bottles, cans, etc. in one container rather than separate containers for each.
Although this program made it more convenient for people to recycle it did not produce a clean marketable material. However, it kept a lot more material out of the landfill resulting in a substantial saving to the Township in fees.
In addition, Long Beach Township also participates in other recycling programs which keep materials out of the landfill such as the first municipality-based food diversion program for oyster and clamshells in New Jersey. Oyster and clam shells are collected from restaurants on Long Beach Island and the mainland and are reused for establishing an oyster reef in Little Egg Harbor Bay. Thus far, the program has kept 90 tons of shells out of the landfill. The Township received a Leadership Award from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for this program.
Recently, Ocean County has made several upgrades in its Material Recovery Facility which should produce a more marketable product and should bring in more revenue for the towns to share.
Therefore, we want to remind residents to keep recycling a priority in order to assist the County and to help keep material out of the landfill by remembering the 3r’s-reduce consumption, reuse what you can and recycle only what is acceptable by the County. (Refer to the list in the Calendar).
If you have any questions please contact
The Recycling and Trash Department at (609) 361-6676.
Best wishes for a happy, healthy and safe New Year!
To get a sneak peek of the calendar click on this link: 2021 LBT Calendar