Public Works
Long Beach Township Recycling Calendar 2025
2023 Ocean County Recycling Guide
2023 Ocean County Recycling Guide (Spanish)
Department of Public Works
7910 Long Beach Blvd.
Beach Haven Crest
(609) 361-6676
Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 8am-3pm
Drop-off Center Hours: Mon-Fri: 8am-2:30pm
Section Info for Trash & Recycling:
Section 1: Beach Haven Inlet to 130th St, Beach Haven Terrace; Loveladies & High Bar Harbor
Section 2: 129th St, Beach Haven Terrace to Brant Beach; North Beach
Appliance Pick Up: Please email or call the Township Public Works for pickup.
Brush Pick Up: Please email or call the Township Public Works by Tuesday at noon for Wednesday pick-up or bring to the Township recycling drop off center. or (609) 361-6676 or (609) 361-6683
E-Waste Disposal Ban: The State of New Jersey has enacted “The Electronic Waste Management Act” which bans the disposal of “covered electronic devices”. Covered electronic devices include televisions, computers, monitors and portable/laptop computers. The disposal ban became effective on January 1, 2011.
E-waste Notice: Long Beach Township electronic waste recycling update as of July 1, 2016. Pick up only of electronics from Long Beach Township homeowners and residents as of July 1. Due to changes in state regulations and regional end market values Long Beach Township will no longer be accepting electronic waste at the recycling drop off center on 79th Street in Beach Haven Crest. Long Beach Township homeowners and residents can still call or email for pick up:
609-361-6676 or or
For the following 6 electronic materials only: Computers, TVs Monitors, Laptops, Printers/Fax Machines. These electronics are banned being disposed of in a landfill in the state of NJ and must be recycled. Homeowners and residents can drop off electronics at the Southern Ocean County Facility in Manahawkin.
LBT CLEAN COMMUNITIES PROGRAM: LBT Clean Communities program is part of a statewide strategy to clean and prevent litter on streets, beaches, waterways, parks, recreation sites and vacant lots. Clean Communities Grant funding is used for educational programs, supporting clean up events and implementing adopt-a-road and mini-grant programs.
- State NJCC Website:
- NJDEP Single Use Plastics Website:
- Sign Up for NJCC Newsletter:
- NJCC Certification Training: