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7910 Long Beach Blvd.
Beach Haven Crest
(609) 361-6676 or (609) 361-6683


Recycling is good business, and all residential and commercial establishments are required to recycle Please do your part to keep costs down and save precious landfill space.

Clothing Bins 1. Sea Spray Motel – Holgate, 2. Just Bead It (Parking Lot) – North Beach Haven,  3. Acme (next to transportation parking lot, 4. LBT Recycling Center – Beach Haven Crest,  5. Track 55 Loveladies (ocean side-at tennis courts).

Batteries: Auto, Boat, Button or Rechargeable can be dropped of at Southern Ocean County Recycling Center on Haywood Road in Manahawkin. The Lowe’s and The Home Depot in Stafford Township also accepts batteries for recycling.

Mulch & Compost is available at the Southern Ocean County Recycling Center on Haywood Road in Manahawkin

Flag Recycling drop-off bin is located in front of the Municipal Building, 6805 Long Beach Blvd., Brant Beach

Monofilament Recycling: 1. Holgate Parking Lot – Next to public restrooms; 2. Beach Haven Marlin and Tuna Club (420 N Pennsylvania Ave Beach Haven); 3. East 13th Street, North Beach Haven, Beachfront; Jingles Bait & Tackle Shop (1214 N Bay Ave North Beach Haven); Spray Beach Yacht Club (23rd St Spray Beach); East 34th Street Beachfront; E 66th Ave Beachfront; 31st St Ship Bottom, Beachfront; Fisherman’s Headquarters – No bin but will accept used monofilament; Surf City Bait & Tackle 317 Long Beach Blvd, Surf City; East Coast Avenue, Loveladies, Beachfront

Carpet Recycling: Please call (973) 732-4858 or go to

Polystyrene Packing: Block foam (packaging of computers, electronics, etc): Mail Boxes Etc (800-828-2214) or Foam Pack Industries (973-376-3700). Packing Peanuts: The UPS Store (609-693-4400) & Packaging Peanuts Hotline (800-828-2214).

Project Medicine Drop: Dispose of your prescription medicines properly & safely in the LBT Police Dept’s drop box, located in the lobby of the police station.

Construction Debris: Please go to this link for information: Ocean County Solid Waste Management

Single Stream Recycling: Long Beach Township collects single stream recycled material, which means that we take commingled (bottles, cans, jars and plastic beverage containers) and mixed paper materials combined in one load. Our waste hauler will pick-up single streamed materials at the curb or residents can drop off the materials at the recycling drop-off center. You may place either your separated or single stream recyclable materials out on the designated recycling days.

Recycling Drop-off Center Department of Public Works, 7910 Long Beach Blvd., Beach Haven Crest.

Drop off available for all designated recyclables including: Commingled bottles and cans; Shrink wrap; Corrugated Cardboard; Concrete/asphalt (residential); Appliances; Mixed paper; Phone books; Brush; Automotive batteries; Scrap metal.