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  • Tax Collector
  • Dawn Annarumma
  • Phone: (609) 361-1000 ext. 6647
  • Fax: (609) 361-8256
  • General Tax Inquiries
  • Phone: (609) 361-6682
  • Email:
  • Office hours are 9am-4pm Monday- Friday (excluding holidays)


NJ Property Taxpayers Bill of Rights

Interest Charged on Unpaid Taxes:

Any taxes remaining unpaid after the 10th of February, May, August, and November are subject to interest at the rate of 8% per year for delinquencies up to $1500 and 18% per year for delinquencies over $1500.  Please note that once a delinquency reaches the 18% threshold the account must be paid up to date before interest reverts back to 8%.  Any account with current year delinquency together with accrued interest totaling $10,000 or more on December 31st is subject to an additional 6%-year end penalty.  Call the Tax Collector at 609-361-1000 ext. 6647 to determine the correct amount of interest to submit with any delinquent tax payment prior to sending the payment.  


Quarterly Taxes

Property Taxes
Tax bills are prepared and mailed annually, usually in June or July.
Taxes are due quarterly:  August 1st, November 1st, February 1st and May 1st.

There is a 10-day grace period during which interest will not be charged. If the 10th falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the grace period extends to the next business day.

If the preparation and mailing of tax bills is delayed, the grace period for the August payment will be extended and will be so noted on the bill and August payment stub.

Please note that tax payments must be received in the tax office prior to the expiration of the grace period, or interest must be charged, regardless of the postmark.

Interest, when charged, is calculated from the original due date. Taxpayers are urged to read all of the information contained on the front and back of their tax bills.  Please note that according to New Jersey State Law, failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt a property owner from payment of taxes, or the interest due on delinquency.  INTEREST CANNOT BE WAIVED.

*Please note that our office does not send out statements of taxes paid for the prior year.  You must use your receipts, cancelled checks, or mortgage statement along with your tax bill for income tax purposes. If you purchased or sold your property during the year, you could also utilize your closing papers for any pro-rated amounts.

Please contact the Tax Office as soon as possible regarding the property taxes and to confirm mailing address, phone number, and email address.   Tax bills should be given to the new owner upon settlement.  The Tax Office is not notified when ownership changes.


Online Payments

Our online payment WIPP system is now set up to accept autopayments for Tax and Water/Sewer payments.  You will have to register as a user and then opt-in if you would like to set up autopayments. Convenience fees do apply for this service.

*For your convenience we have a secure drop box located at the top of our handicap ramp in front of the township building.  Please remember to include your property details with your check so we can properly apply it to your account.: block/lot, property address, or account number.

TAX, SEWER/WATER bill payments online by debit card, credit card and e-check.

Please be advised that Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express) and E-Check payments can only be made via the internet and that there are convenience fees that will be charged to the user for each transaction.

*Please note the convenience fees are retained by the service provider and are not paid to the Township of Long Beach.
The convenience fees are as follows:
E-Check $1.95
All other Debit/Credit Cards 2.95% of your payment amount.