Update from Ocean County regarding repaving the BLVD.
Dear Mr. Little:
Ocean County has completed the designs for the resurfacing of the sections of Long Beach Boulevard as requested and referenced above. The portion of the northern section between 58th Street and 67th Street only requires the roadway to be milled 2 inches and paved 2 inches to meet the required grades above the tide levels. The remaining portion of the northern section from 67th Street to 86th Street and the southern section from 25th Street to 12th Street will require multiple paving passes to raise the roadway crown to meet the required grade levels.
Based on discussions with the County Road Supervisor and reports that the Township contractor is still installing pipe between 82nd and 86th Street, which prevents us from paving now but, the County anticipates being able to pave the section between 58th Street and 67th Street in the coming weeks. This section of roadway requires minimal additional support crews for traffic control and hand work. Paving this section of the roadway can be accomplished prior to the start of summer while still meeting the social distancing requirements.
The remaining sections will require multiple paving passes to raise the roadway, additional crews for traffic control and hand work, making social distancing problematic. The County will be scheduling the paving of the remaining sections of Long Beach Boulevard from 67th to 86th Streets and 25th to 12°1 Streets immediately after Labor Day. The County is committed to paving this roadway when it is safe for everyone.
John N. Ernst, P.E., P.P.
Ocean County Engineer