Water & Sewer
Our online payment WIPP system is now set up to accept autopayments for Tax and Water/Sewer payments. You will have to register as a user and then opt-in if you would like to set up autopayments. Convenience fees do apply for this service. https://wipp.edmundsassoc.com/Wipp/?wippid=1518
Long Beach Township now offers a way to check on your water use: Click WaterSmart to sign-up!
2023 Water & Sewer Rates: 2023 RATE ORDINANCE
Water/Sewer bills are due on a quarterly basis. 3/1, 6/1, 9/1,12/1. Bills are mailed one month prior to the due dates. Regardless of consumption, every property will pay a base rate. Usage is billed one quarter behind.
For example, the 4th quarter bill is due 12/1. This covers base rate from 10/1-12/31. The usage charge on this bill is for water used in July, August, and September.
Form for Final Water Meter Reading: Final Water Read
Billing Inquiries
- Michele Torres
- 609-361-6677
- Betsy Bartram
- (609) 492-6314
- Fax (609) 492-1015
During normal business hours, please call the Water/Sewer Department at (609) 492-6314 for any emergencies prior to calling a plumber.
In the event it is not a Township problem, then call a plumber.
For after-hours water/sewer emergencies (nights, weekends, and holidays), please call the Long Beach Township Police Department at (609) 494-3322.
LSLR Inventory Reports
BHT Brant Lead Service Line; High Bar Lead Service Line; Holgate Lead Service Line; Loveladies North Lead Service Line; Loveladies South Lead Service Line North Beach Lead Service Line
Water Quality Reports
BrantBeachCCR2024; HighBarCCR2024; HolgateCCR2024; LoveladiesNorthCCR2024; LoveladiesSouthCCR2024; NorthBeachCCR2024
BrantBeachCCR2023; HighBar CCR2023; Holgate CCR2023; Loveladies North CCR2023; Loveladies South CCR2023; North Beach CCR2023
HBH CCR 2022LLS CCR 2022; LLN CCR 2022; NB CCR 2022; BBBHTPP CCR 2022; Holgate CCR 2022
LSL Letter
Water Assistance Programs
The State Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) can help you pay arrears for your water and sewer bills. The program may also be able to help address tax liens due to water and sewer arrears. To get more information, please call NJ211.
Water Assistance Program Information:
Winter_Termination_flyer.pdf (nj.gov)
Self_Cert_for_WTP.pdf (nj.gov)
Construction of upgrades and improvements to the Sanitary Sewer System within the Brant Beach Section of Long Beach Township at a Total Project Cost of $7,570,000.00 were financed by the New Jersey Water Bank (NJWB). The NJWB is a State Revolving Fund program jointly administered by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank (NJIB) and uses a combination of funds provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the DEP, and the NJIB to provide very low interest loans to borrowers for environmental infrastructure projects.
This project will provide water quality benefits by decreasing the potential for sanitary sewer breaks or blockages, reducing interruptions of service and restoring the sewerage system’s overall reliability and resiliency for residents and businesses in the North Beach Section of Long Beach Township.
State Revolving Fund programs around the nation provide states and communities the resources necessary to maintain and improve the infrastructure protecting our valuable water resources nationwide.